Our Church

Upcoming Services

Wednesday, March 12

6:30pm Presanctified Liturgy, followed by light agape meal and Catechism Class

Sunday, March 16

9:30am Matins
10am Divine Liturgy, followed by agape meal

Support our Visiting Seminarians

We were blessed to have the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir and the miracle-working icon of St. Anna visit our parish on the first weekend of Lent, March 8-9. Part of the purpose of the Choir’s visit is to raise money for the seminarians’ scholarship fund. This is a very important endeavor. Properly training our future priests is critical to the mission and health of our churches, and students very often make significant financial sacrifices to attend seminary. Further, because clergy salaries are often low, new priests and their families cannot be burdened with any student debt. Please, as a part of your lenten almsgiving, make a donation to our parish’s GoFundMe campaign for the Choir: gofund.me/9af12af8

For more information about the visit, go to this page: Healing Service with the Visit of the Miraculous Icon of St. Anna.

Saturday, March 8

1pm Healing Service & Molieben

5pm Vespers and Panikhida

Sunday, March 9

10am Divine Liturgy, followed by agape meal lunch

See full calendar.

About Our Parish

Saint Mary Magdalen Orthodox Church is part of the Orthodox Church in America and is under the care of the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and New Jersey. The parish was founded on September 1, 1985 as a mission and was granted full parish status in January 1995. Saint Mary Magdalen celebrates its services in English and is home to parishioners of many ethnic backgrounds.

Everyone is welcome including visitors. To learn more about the Orthodox Faith, please contact Father Matthew Brown. And visit our Facebook page for more photos, livestream, and upcoming events. 

If you are in New York City, come and worship with us!