Accompanied by the Mission Choir of St. Tikhon’s Monastery
¡Bienvenido! Únase a nosotros el 8 y 9 de marzo para una visita especial del Icono Milagroso de Santa Ana del Monasterio de San Tikhón en Pennsylvania. Se sabe que este ícono realiza maravillas para aquellos que se acercan con fe, sanando a los enfermos, aliviando el sufrimiento y proporcionando esperanza a través de las intercesiones de Santa Ana, la madre de María la Theotokos. Para celebrar esta visita, nosotros en la Iglesia Ortodoxa de Santa María Magdalena (70 W. 107th St.) organizaremos un servicio de sanación y un servicio memorial para todos los seres queridos que han fallecido (sábado), y la celebración de la Divina Liturgia (domingo).
Si tiene preguntas, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] o envíe un mensaje de texto o llame al +1 (646) 846-1020.
- Sábado 8 de marzo a la 1 p.m.: Servicio de sanación Moleiben con unción.
- Sábado 8 de marzo a las 5 p.m.: Servicio de oración de Vísperas con memorial general por los difuntos.
- Domingo 9 de marzo a las 9:30 a.m.: Liturgia divina de San Juan Crisóstomo.
El ícono estará presente en todos los servicios mencionados para veneración.
Cómo participar
- Asista a los servicios.
- Si necesita sanación, venga al servicio del sábado a la 1 p.m. Al final del servicio, habrá una oportunidad para venerar el ícono de Santa Ana y ser ungido por el sacerdote.
- Para enviar nombres para nuestro memorial por los muertos el sábado a las 5 p.m., por favor complete el formulario en línea vinculado aquí, o venga temprano para escribir una lista en papel. En el servicio, oraremos por todos los nombres enviados en presencia del ícono milagroso. Siéntase libre de unirse a nosotros en esta oración y encienda una vela en la iglesia.
- Si desea saber más sobre nuestra iglesia, explore nuestro sitio web y “Venga y vea” (Juan 1:39).
- Para escuchar al renombrado coro misionero de San Tikhon, venga al servicio del sábado a las 5 p.m. y al servicio del domingo a las 9:30 a.m.
Welcome! Please join us on March 8–9 for a special visit of the Miraculous Icon of St. Anna from St. Tikhon’s Monastery in Pennsylvania. This icon is known to work wonders for those who approach in faith, healing the sick, assuaging the suffering, and providing hope through the intercessions of St. Anna, the mother of Mary the Theotokos. To celebrate this visit, we at St. Mary Magdalen Orthodox Church (70 W. 107th St.) will host a healing service and a memorial service for all loved ones who have passed away (Saturday), and the celebration of the Divine Liturgy (Sunday).
If you have questions, email [email protected] or text or call +1 (646) 846-1020.
- Saturday, March 8 at 1 p.m.: Moleiben healing service with anointing.
- Saturday, March 8 at 5 p.m.: Vespers evening prayer service with general memorial for the reposed.
- Sunday, March 9 at 9:30 a.m.: Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.
The icon will be present at all of the above services for veneration.
How to participate
- Come to the services
- If you need healing, come to the Saturday service at 1 p.m. At the end of the service, there will be an opportunity to venerate the icon of St. Anna and to be anointed by the priest.
- To submit names for our memorial for the dead on Saturday at 5 p.m., please submit the online form linked here, or come early to write out a list on paper. At the service, we will pray for all the names submitted in the presence of the miraculous icon. Feel free to join us in this prayer, and light a candle in the church.
- If you want to find out more about our church, explore our website and “Come and see” (John 1:39).
- To hear the renowned mission choir from St. Tikhon’s, come to the Saturday service at 5 p.m. and the Sunday service at 9:30 a.m.
Support our Visiting Seminarians
We are blessed to have the St. Tikhon’s Seminary Choir and the miracle-working icon of St. Anna visit our parish on the first weekend of Lent, March 8-9. Part of the purpose of the Choir’s visit is to raise money for the seminarians’ scholarship fund. This is a very important endeavor. Properly training our future priests is critical to the mission and health of our churches, and students very often make significant financial sacrifices to attend seminary. Further, because clergy salaries are often low, new priests and their families cannot be burdened with any student debt. Please, as a part of your lenten almsgiving, make a donation to our parish’s GoFundMe campaign for the Choir: